
Murrumbidgee PHN


The "Empower" program, jointly developed by Telecare and Murrumbidgee PHN, will be piloted in the Murraybidgee Public Health Network catchment starting on March 6th, 2023.

This free, virtual program aims to improve nutrition for weight loss and long-term disease management. The program will consist of live educational sessions and forum discussions, blog posts, healthy tips and tricks, recipes, and subsidised access to mobile health management apps for the self-management of weight. 

The program will be led by qualified dieticians, diabetes educators, endocrinologists, and medical doctors with lived experiences. 

To join the program, or refer someone, visit our ‘Empower’ website, or write to us at

Need more assistance?

If you have further questions, follow the links below.

case study

Mackay base hospital and health service outpatient clinic

A regional hospital seeks to offer outpatients access to additional specialist healthcare services.
our impact
Telecare has implemented a solution where patients can see specialists from:
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The outpatient clinic of a public hospital (with a nurse or medical officer present); or
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From the comfort of their own home
Some specialities that are on offer are: