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As Australia's foremost specialist and allied telehealth services provider, Telecare is dedicated to addressing the most urgent healthcare challenges. We collaborate closely with referring doctors and hospitals to deliver services that facilitate timely access to optimal healthcare outcomes for patients.
We also excel at automating and streamlining administrative tasks, alleviating the burden of laborious paperwork, and allowing healthcare professionals to dedicate more time and attention to what truly matters: patient care.
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Services
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service (WBHHS) offers specialised telehealth services for Endocrinology and Rheumatology via Telecare. These services...
Alexandra District Health
In February, Telecare expanded its provision of virtual inpatient services in partnership with Alexandra District Health. Supplementary virtual physicians will be assisting...
Kyabram Health Services
Telecare is providing Virtual Inpatient Care services in the acute ward of Kyabram District Health Service. Supplementary virtual physicians will be assisting current...
South West Hospital and Health Services
In August 2023, Telecare was commissioned to expand its cutting-edge Virtual Multi-disciplinary Team Case Conferencing (MDTCC) service to South West Hospital and Health...
Dhelkaya Health
Dhelkaya Health, in collaboration with Telecare, extends its commitment to patient care with the implementation of the Virtual Inpatient Service at the rehabilitation ward of...
Murrumbidgee PHN
The "Empower" program, jointly developed by Telecare and Murrumbidgee PHN, will be piloted in the Murraybidgee Public Health Network catchment starting on March 6th, 2023...
Wentwest PHN
Telecare offers residents within the catchment area of the Western Sydney Primary Health Network access to Primary Mental Health Care Professionals...
NCN Health
NCN Health, in collaboration with Telecare, will be piloting the new Virtual Inpatient Care program to deliver more comprehensive care to patients by utilising virtual healthcare...
Mackay Hospital & Health Services
Mackay Hospital and Health Service (MHHS) provides specialist telehealth services for a variety of specialties. These appointments and clinics can be delivered both to...
Patients can see a clinician for an appointment, and conveniently give relevant samples to Dorevitch pathology the same day. Our pathology lab collection...
Hybrid In Person Clinic
Our clinic features a team of experienced medical and surgical specialists, committed to providing the best possible care to our patients. Our current clinic is easily accessible...
Telehealth Clinic
Telecare offers patients a wide range of specialist and allied health services and provides collaborative, comprehensive care. Our virtual care appointments are quick, safe...